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South African-registered aircraft are maintained in accordance with South African Civil Aviation Authority regulations governing aircraft used for commercial purposes. South African maintenance facilities and standards of workmanship are the best in Africa and good by any international standard.


Only a pilot who has successfully completed the South African Department of Civil Aviation requirements for foreign pilot license validation may act as Pilot-in-Command (PIC) of a South African-registered aircraft. The client, so qualified, is at all times the PIC of the aircraft. If more than one client has qualified as PIC, then either one or the other may act as PIC. African Aero Adventures Inc. provides no other pilot for the Self-Fly SafariÒ, unless otherwise stated in your contract. QUALIFIED PILOT: Original documents: valid private pilot certificate, or higher; current Biennial Flight Review sign-off in log book; current Airman’s medical certificate; Log book showing pre-existing PIC time in the type and model of aircraft to be flown on safari. Note: If you have no pre-existing PIC time in the aircraft type an FAA CFI’s sign-off in the specific type satisfies the South African CAA requirement. The Qualified Pilot must also successfully complete the prescribed validation exercises.

Aircraft brokered by African Aero Adventures Inc. for client use may be either company owned or supplied by flight schools, air charter companies, flying clubs, private individuals, and aircraft operators. These aircraft, vetted for commercial use, are required to have periodic inspections, known locally as a Major Periodic Inspection (MPI), done at 100-hour intervals, and annually. In addition the Aviation Maintenance Organization (AMO) responsible for maintenance of the aircraft issues a “Certificate of Safety” certifying the airworthiness of an aircraft. African Aero Adventures Inc determines that both these maintenance requirements are complied with. We make no other representation or warranty, express or implied, about the airworthiness, or other condition of the aircraft, its engine(s), its mechanical and/or electronic components, avionics, airframe, or other components. It is the responsibility of the client, acting in his or her capacity as Pilot-In-Command (PIC), to determine the airworthiness of the aircraft supplied, as required by South African Civil Aviation Regulations.


In the event that mechanical difficulties with the aircraft arise in the course of a Self-Fly Safari an attempt will be made to diagnose and fix the problem. Clients should recognize that it is impossible to determine in advance a fixed scenario for dealing with a disabled aircraft in the bush and with associated collateral issues. By nature, a Self-Fly Safari is conducted in remote locations. Aircraft service facilities, spare parts, and qualified maintenance personnel are not available at bush airstrips. The simple act of communicating the problem to a competent authority takes time; diagnosing the problem, and then mustering needed parts, and qualified labor to repair the problem also takes time. The client and occupants of a disabled aircraft should accept that a delay or curtailment of their planned itinerary is likely.

Be assured that African Aero Adventures will be actively trying to assist the client in this circumstance. We cannot guarantee a glitch-free Self-Fly Safari. However, we will do everything within our power to help deal with any unexpected situation.

Broadly speaking, the following procedures apply: The Client is obliged to notify African Aero Adventures Inc. in South Africa to advise of the problem. African Aero Adventures Inc. will contact and liaise with the owner/operator of the aircraft to determine an appropriate course of action. Subsequent instructions are relayed to the client. The client will undertake no repairs or maintenance without authorization from the owner/operator of the aircraft or African Aero Adventures.

African Aero Adventures Inc. is not responsible for the inability of the client to complete a Self-Fly Safari, or a portion thereof, nor for delays, nor for cancellation of a Self-Fly Safari, nor for bookings at accommodations that are lost because of said delays or cancellations, resulting from any problem arising from a defective or unusable aircraft. Unused flight time may be refunded by the owner/operator of the aircraft. African Aero Adventures Inc. will make every effort to secure a refund for unused aircraft flight time in this eventuality.

In the event that fixing the aircraft will take an extended time - whatever the reason - the client should consider and be prepared to complete his Self-Fly Safari using other available means of transport such as ground transport, air charter, or commercial carrier. Any expenses so incurred are the responsibility of the client.


CLIENT MAY BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE EXPENSE OF GETTING A QUALIFIED MECHANIC TO THE SITE OF AN INOPERATIVE AIRCRAFT:  The OWNER of an aircraft is responsible for repairs and maintenance to its aircraft.  However, in the event that an aircraft becomes unserviceable but is repairable during a Self-Fly Safari the client MAY have to pay the expense of transporting a qualified engineer (aircraft mechanic) to and from the site of a disabled aircraft. In such a circumstance, African Aero Adventures will pay the first $300 of any such expense. The determining factor is the proximity of the disabled aircraft to a certified Aviation Maintenance Organization (AMO).  If an event of unserviceability occurs at an airfield where a qualified repair facility is available, then the client incurs no such expense. If multiple aircraft are flying together, then one of the other aircraft may be used to bring the mechanic to the site. In an escorted tour, the escort will bring the mechanic to the aircraft.


RETRIEVAL OF AN AIRWORTHY AIRCRAFT: It is the responsibility of the client to return the aircraft to its original point of hire at the conclusion of the Self-Fly Safari.  In the event that an airworthy aircraft is not so returned, the client is liable for any and all costs of retrieving the aircraft.  These costs may include the costs of air and ground transport, accommodation, meals, communications, and other expenses of the personnel required to retrieve the aircraft; charges for flying time of the aircraft being retrieved including fuel and oil (hourly wet rate); and other expenses that may arise.


The client is responsible for payment of flying time in excess of the agreed upon flight time limit of a Self-Fly Safari as stated in your contract. At the conclusion of the Self-Fly Safari the client will be billed for excess Hobbs time according to prevailing hourly rate for the aircraft in question. Aircraft flight time will be measured according to readings of the Hobbs meter, if one is installed. If no Hobbs meter exists in the aircraft, or if the Hobbs meter is inaccurate, then billable time will be determined by elapsed time shown on the aircraft tachometer multiplied by a factor of 1.2.



Useful loads of small, general aviation aircraft are limited. Aircraft are required to carry 5 liters of water (11 pounds) per person when flying over wilderness areas, as well as a first aid kit. Self-Fly Safari operations are often conducted at high density altitudes due to high airport elevations and high temperatures. Rough surfaces and sloping runways on some bush strips extend take-off runs. Aircraft weight and balance limitations are important considerations for the PIC on a Self-Fly Safari. As a result, we allow no more than two occupants in any C-172. A group of three can travel in a C-182. Groups of four people are required to use a larger aircraft such as a C-206 or C-210. Large groups should consider using multiple-aircraft. In each case, clients and their passengers should carry no more than 25 pounds (12 kg) luggage each, carried in soft-case bags for easy stowage.


Self-Fly Safaris must, according to South African Air Law, be conducted during daylight hours in visual meteorological conditions (VMC). Therefore, it must be recognized that unsuitable flying conditions can disrupt, delay, or even make it impossible to fly a Self-Fly Safari. In the event of adverse conditions be aware that we will do everything we can to help. This may include advice on rerouting, rescheduling accommodations, and other help. African Aero Adventures Inc. will make NO REFUND for unused aircraft flight time in this eventuality

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